200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training

Traditional Hatha / 28 Days / Yoga Alliance Certification


This program is ideal for yoga students who want to experience the intensive practice of traditional Hatha yoga in a peaceful environment. Half of our yoga teacher training course content is focused on training new teachers with detailed practice and teaching methodologies of the asanas. While another half of the teacher training course content is focused on improving Pranayamas, Meditation, and practical philosophy to combine the physical practice of Hatha Yoga with traditional spirituality and Yogic lifestyle for yoga students living in a competitive stressed life in the modern society. So, this yoga teacher training Retreat in India is not only for would-be yoga teachers but also for anybody wanting to make a transformational shift in their body-breath-awareness and trying to find a meaningful purpose in life.

Style of Yoga?

This yoga teacher training course is focused on learning to practice and to teach traditional Hatha Yoga style, which focuses on improving the spinal anatomy at the core of all asanas and not about speed and flow, which can work against spinal anatomy. Traditional hatha yoga also focuses on Chakras, subtle energy body, to customize the asana practice for each individual, based on their physical and mental requirements, rather than imitating a generic sequence or generic asana as seen on magazine covers, without considering the limitations of joints.

We will also introduce yin yoga and Sivananda yoga

Traditional Hatha Yoga classes which are taught in our Yoga Teacher Training always include Pranayamas and Yoga Nidra. Another major difference between modern styles of yoga and traditional hatha yoga in our ashram is we focus more on Stability (Sthira) with right alignments at 8 major joints and breathing to increase the duration of the asana. We discourage the students and would-be yoga teachers from doing faster flows while ignoring the basics of joint and spinal anatomy to exert cardiac activity and firing up muscles without supplying the proper amount of prana (breath) to muscles and the heart.


This 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in India covers all the basic techniques and skills to get started on the noble path of sharing your practical knowledge of yoga – both physical & intellectual – in a professional way. Even if you are not interested in teaching yoga, the practices and philosophy have a detoxifying effect to enrich your body, mind, and intellect, and also to understand the purpose of life and know-how to live a sane and peaceful life in this crazy modern world.

Who Can Come?

Anyone who is physically & mentally fit for practice can attend.

Spiritually focused to wake up early for meditation and practice.

Interest in exploring your deeper self through yoga.

Having no chronic illness, recent surgeries, pregnancy, or under medication for severe psychological disorders.

Course Outline

Practices led by traditional teachers: Asanas, Pranayamas, Neti, Meditation, and Chanting Mantras.

Demonstration of Asanas and their variations. Classification and sequencing of yoga asanas as per traditional understanding based on Chakras. Adjustments of common mistakes and hands-on techniques.

Therapeutic benefits of Asanas and Pranayamas, precautions, and contraindications.

Introduction to Yogic Lifestyle in modern times, Historical Evolution of Yoga, Paths of Yogas, Patanjali Yoga Sutras.

Testing and sharing your teaching skills with your co-teachers.

Business/Career of a yoga teacher, communication skills, and safety norms.

International & Traditional

117 Hours: Includes asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation, and other traditional yoga techniques. These hours are a mix between (1) analytical training in how to teach and practice the techniques, and (2) guided practice of the techniques.

26 Hours: Includes principles of demonstration, observation, assisting /correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, the student’s process of learning, and business aspects of teaching yoga.

26 Hours: Includes both human anatomy and physiology of Yoga. Anatomy of Pranic body: chakras, nadis, bandhas, etc. Includes both the study of the subject and application of its principles to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, etc. A basic introduction to Ayurvedic three doshas, diet and lifestyle based on seasons and constitution.

26 Hours: Includes the study of Yoga Sutras, Yoga in a Big Picture, historical evolution of yoga, four paths and various techniques for Self-Realization, yogic lifestyle in modern society, and ethics for yoga teachers.

20 Hours: Includes practice teaching, receiving feedback, observing others teaching, and hearing/giving feedback.

Daily Schedule

This timetable is subject to change as per weather conditions.
Classes are held 6 days a week. The 7th day is for optional Day-Trips.

  • 06:00 – 06:40 am: Pranayama & Meditation
  • 06:40 – 07:30 am:  Herbal Tea / Fruits
  • 07:30 – 09:15 am: Suksha Vyayam and yoga asanas (poses)
  • 09:30 – 10:30 am: Brunch (Yogic Food)
  • 11:00 – 11:45 pm: Karma Yoga
  • 12:00 – 02:00 pm – Free Time/ Study Time
  • 02:00 – 02:45 pm: Philosophy / Yoga Sutras
  • 02:45 – 03:15 pm: Herbal Tea
  • 03:15 – 04:00 pm: Ayurveda / Yoga Nidra
  • 04:15 – 05:45 pm: Asana Corrections / Teaching Practice
  • 06:00– 07:00 pm: Dinner (Yogic Food)
  • 07:00 – 08:00 pm: Study Time
  • 08:00 pm – 09:30 am: Meditation / Satsangha
  • 09:30 pm – 10:00 pm: Swadhya
  • 10:00 pm – Lights Off / Silence 

Yoga Alliance Certification

During this 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training in India, students have continuously assessed throughout the course in all five modules:

1) Self-Practice
2) Teaching skills
3) Anatomy + Ayurveda
4) Philosophy + Psychology of Yoga
5) Spirituality of Yoga.

The Morning Yoga sessions are for improving the self-practice of asanas. Teaching skills are assessed through 12 sessions of Yoga Teaching practice in a small group of four/five people under the supervision of our teachers. Each teacher trainee will have to teach at least two yoga classes. Also, there will be one written exam on Anatomy and another paper on Philosophy, to assess what you learned in our theory classes. If you don’t pass the exams, we will be happy to sit down with you one-to-one and make sure that you do understand all the important concepts of Yoga.

If you need more practical information about this program such as how to get here, preparations, what to bring, what to read, and other practicalities of coming to India you can contact us